Tuesday, December 16, 2014

OUR CLASS WEBSITE HAS MOVED!!!!!!!!! Our new location is http://thirdpagepenguins.weebly.com Cut and paste it in your browser or use the link below.

Friday, December 13, 2013

As we move into the second half of quarter two we have begun to find the area of rectilinear shapes, otherwise known as two rectangles joined together in an L or T shape. We continue to work on multiplication and division word problems as well. Look in your childs Friday folder for the Quarter 2 part 2 letters with more detailed information regarding what we are learning in math and reading. Progress reports will be included this week as well. Remember to continue to practice with your child the math facts he or she is still not fluent with. Enjoy the links below as they have some fun ways to practice.
Design a Party
Area and Perimeter Practice
Zoo Designer

Also... if you haven't heard your child singing it yet, here is a great rap to help remember the multiples of 6!

Flocabulary Multiples of 6 Song

Monday, November 11, 2013

Math Games This Week

Kenken website (problems like math challenge last week)

Times Table Grid Game

This Week in Math

Wow! I can hardly believe how long it has been since I posted last. We are very busy in math relating division to multiplication and using a variable (a letter) to represent the unknown. This week is super busy with conferences. I promise more posts soon. Thanks to all parents for such great questions at conferences. As always, if you leave a conference and remember something you wanted to ask, please feel free to email me at Lisa_A_Bradley@mcpsmd.org.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

This week in math..

We  have been working on different ways to subtract this week. Check out the great instructional videos under the tab "videos that help me learn." I included videos on the same change, trade first and counting up subtraction algorithms. This week's Friday folder included an instructional sheet reviewing these strategies. Students are encouraged to use what is most comfortable for them, including the traditional "cross out and carry" method most parents are familiar with. However, we are constantly talking about being "cognitively flexible" and trying new things that help us to reason and expand our minds in the way we view, reason and discuss mathematics. Remember to compliment your child on his/her hard work in attempting new strategies, even though he/she may not understand them at first or choose to use them later.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our Math is Modern!

This week in math we are learning addition and subtraction compensation strategies. What is a compensation strategy? Technically, a compensation strategy is a mental math strategy in which you change one addend to a multiple of ten and then adjust the other addend to keep the balance. Whew, that's a lot! What does it look like? Ideally, if you learn this type of strategy, you can solve math problems in your head faster than on paper. Here's a video to help, so you can help your child.

Compensation Strategy for Addition

Compensation Strategy for Subtraction

Today we explored the scientific method.

Today in science, we took our lesson outside. We formed a hypothesis about how the movement of a ball would be effected if we changed the texture of the surface it was rolled on. The weather was great and we had a lot of fun testing our predictions.