Teacher Wish List

My Wish List:
First of all... thank you to all the parents this year who have donated tissues, wipes, markers, pens, pencils,and much more to our class.
Here is a wish list of some things that I intend to purchase for the class this year. I continue to search for engaging things for students to do while I am meeting with small groups during math or reading. All of these items support the Common Core Curriculum that Montgomery County's Curriculum 2.0 is based on. I am sharing this here for any tech savvy parents who want to get into my brain and see what I am saving up for, or if you have some of these random items below around your house.

Scrabble Tiles: I use these for word study.
Crystal Light Containers: These are great for spelling sorts.
These are book boxes from Ikea. They come in packs of five. I already purchased enough for this year, but I use them every year. Students keep their "Just Right Books" in them for use during the Daily 5.

Glass beads with a flat bottom: I sharpie letters on the bottom and use them for word study.

Curriculum Mastery Learning Game -(4th Grade Version- for all my "high flyer" newbies)
Curriculum Mastery Learning Game (2nd Grade Version- for my newbies who still need to solidify the foundation of what they learned in 2nd)

1 comment:

  1. OMG Mrs. Bradley,

    why didn 't I see this before, I've been trowing away some of this stuff. I will bring them to you from now on.
