Friday, September 13, 2013

Math Centers

Math Stations

While I am at work with students doing small group math, students rotate between the following math stations: independent work, math bcr's (brief constructed responses), math journal, basic facts practice and partner games. Here are some students who were "caught being good" and on task.
At this station, Grace writes a spelling word down and uses place value blocks to find the total value of the word. Each letter is assigned a different value (one, ten, hundred or thousand).You can't see what she wrote in the picture, but you can notice she is using a timer to see how fast she can find the value.
In this picture this group is sorting addition sentences to determine if you need to compose a ten, hundred, both or no composing at all.

These girls were reviewing rounding to the nearest hundred using a number line.

Here, Neansha was using the rounding rap to round to the nearest ten.
Here Alivia explains her thinking with a number line and  in writing. Way to go!!

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